63 Johnston Street, Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia
All tickets: $20 - $45
Get ready to Jingle your bells and deck the halls as The Old Married Couple presents a ‘Very Vaudeville Christmas' Variety show.
Whether you've been naughty or nice prepare to have your stocking filled with a night of live music, dancing, tease, stunts and hilarity with some extra special Christmas treats thrown in.
The two hour show features devilishly delightful Christmas burlesque, stunts, a live band, stunts and more yuletide silliness than you can shake your candy cane at for a night of toots, hoots and naughty gifts to boot.
Featuring special guests include Burlesque beauty Laydee Bombay and Sideshow strongwoman Aleksandra the Great.
‘A Very Vaudeville Xmas’ takes the idea of a Christmas concert in an entirely new and outrageous direction. This certainly is not ‘Carols by Candlelight’.